Thursday, November 23, 2006

The Opposition by Philip C. Ting

An opposition or a group that opposes another in a struggle, jihad, fight, debate, contests. And express disagreement with or dislike of, or make an effort to stop or prevent an activity, efficacy or success of, to oppose a political candidate or against something or someone who is doing good things.
An opposition instigates oppression to make their cause reasonable to a public debate and make them a victim of unjust harness to cause to feel them mentally or spiritually burden or physically as though suffocating. They accused the administration as the oppressors which they came from before.
Mostly of the opposition are people of insecure nature, liars, lazy, apprehensive, anguish-ridden, unsound mind, no jobs, selfish and self-centered people according to an expert who study of human behavior.
They don’t want to see an administration doing a good job but instead looking for the destruction of the incumbent. “For someone is right no one does remember. But someone is wrong no one’s forgets.”
Many of this people are likened to the Lord Flies of what Golding’s describes coward criminals and megalomaniacs for their evil act and destructive behavior although they wear sheep clothing.
In the book of Providence, God described opposition as an evil deed who wants to destroy his creation and in the book of Genesis evil is an opposition which described a lighting fire that falls from heavens.
This described by the Americans and its allies as a negative force or opposition as terrorist who brought fire from the sky by plane and denotes “independence.”
In addition, the Webster Encyclopedic Dictionary described “INDEPENDENT” as free from the authority of control or influence of others, not committed to organized political parties which unavailable in the Holy Books however “independent” are mostly rejected political malnourish who just want to line their pockets.
Ironically, independent described by an expert who asks for anonymity that they are member of ‘order Diptera’.
This diversity of names documents the importance of the group to man and reflects the range of organisms in the order. The order is one of the four largest groups of living human organisms. These people are a major component of virtually all non-human ecosystems. One need only consider the ability of this people to transmit diseases like AIDS.
This people are responsible for more human suffering than any other group of political organisms except for the transmitted pathogens and man!
Many of this people are now raging in Naval/Biliran province with vested personal interest and they called them “The OPOSITIONS” and “INDEPENDENT.” And God said; “they are ‘EVILS’ on earth.”

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Visita Bush la capital vietnamita por Jed Morillo

18 de noviembre de 2006 23:22:56 GMT
El país asiático que soportó por años una cruenta agresión norteamericana es ahora anfitrión del Foro de Cooperación Económica Asia-Pacífico (APEC), que comienza este sábado

Aunque parezca paradójico o insólito, el presidente de Estados Unidos, George W. Bush, está en Hanoi, la capital vietnamita, porque el país asiático que debió soportar por años una cruenta agresión norteamericana es ahora anfitrión del Foro de Cooperación Económica Asia-Pacífico (APEC), que comienza este sábado y se extenderá hasta el domingo.
Bush está de visita oficial y, además de las reuniones acostumbradas entre las altas autoridades de ambos países, resultan notables las declaraciones que ha realizado sobre la permanencia de las tropas de su país en Iraq.
En uno de sus acostumbrados «bushismos», en este caso enigmático, dijo: «Treinta años atrás Vietnam nos enseñó una lección. No nos iremos de Iraq y venceremos si no abandonamos».
Habrá querido decir que Estados Unidos, luego de que sus tropas perdieran 58 158 efectivos en aquella guerra tenía que seguir enviando hombres y armas a la península Indochina; continuar masacrando al pueblo vietnamita, porque tres millones de víctimas no les eran suficientes; cubrir de sangre y fuego al noble pueblo asiático, reducir esa tierra a cenizas incluso nucleares y, luego sobre quién sabe cuántos cadáveres más de uno y otro lado, plantar la bandera de las barras y las estrellas y gritar: «¡Victoria!»
¿A eso se refiere cuando habla de que la lección es persistir?
¿Acaso piensa que abandonaron y por eso fueron derrotados? ¿No alcanza a comprender que fueron derrotados, y por eso aquella caótica huida, que la posteridad reconoce en la imagen de los marines aferrándose despavoridos a la escala de un helicóptero de guerra en la azotea de la embajada de EE.UU. en Saigón (hoy Ciudad Ho Chi Minh)?
Después, en otra frase altisonante para referirse a la invasión de Iraq, hay que admitir que desplegó toda su capacidad para el autoanálisis, y sin siquiera darse cuenta de ello: «Va a requerir un largo tiempo para que la ideología de la esperanza, que es la ideología de la libertad, se imponga a la ideología del odio».
Y en las nuevas circunstancias de la región —que visita tras otra derrota, la de los republicanos en las elecciones de medio tiempo—, con esa persistencia que añora, Bush saca a relucir tal rencor acumulado, la animadversión que pudiera conducir a un conflicto armado.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

E. Visayas cops to help in Parilla murder case

First posted 01:07pm (Mla time) By Jhunnex Cebu Daily News
Police in Eastern Visayas will send investigators to Cebu to help determine the motive in the killing of former Biliran governor Danilo Parilla.
Chief Superintendent Silverio Alarcio Jr., director of Police Regional Office in Central Visayas (PRO-7), said he already talked with the police director in Eastern Visayas about Parilla's murder.
Alarcio said Chief Superintendent Eliseo de la Paz, PRO-Eastern Visayas regional director, assured them they would help in the investigation and look at other angles.
He said they may have information that could help solve the case.
Police in Cebu are looking into the personal grudge angle because of an earlier altercation between Parilla and Corpin.
Police did not rule out politics as a motive because of reports that Corpin was a former bodyguard of incumbent Biliran Governor Rogelio Espina.
Espina had denied that Corpin was his bodyguard, saying Corpin was a mere provincial security agent assigned at the Capitol grounds and was later dismissed after being linked to a robbery incident.
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SPONSORS 1. Borrinaga, Althea Orbeta 2. Borrinaga, Gregoria Orbeta 3. Borrinaga, Josephine 4. Borrinaga, Marilou Orbeta 5. Borrinaga, Sucit Bellones 6. police major serapin borrinaga 7. Morillo, Jade