Help student believe they are competent, present tasks that are not too easy. Do not be cruel to the student, actively involves student in the learning process. Avoid student involves in business selling & buying tickets, personally demonstrate, in obvious way, a genuine energy and love of the subject and for teaching. Communicate to students that classroom activities and goals are real and not gimmicks, Present lessons that are fun, enjoyable and avoid any discrimination among student. Welcome student into school and classroom, help student feel that they belong in school. And Make personal connection with student and pay attention to, and plan for motivation.
The teacher fosters the child's individuality, security and self-respect. Emphasis is on utilizing the student potential to resolve his or her emotional conflicts, and support the child's movement towards emotional adjustment and not by assaulting and rejecting. Psychodynamic theory is the best to determine a dynamic intraphychic relationship between teachers and student.
Aggression and violent acts between teachers and student become more frequent in public schools. Because lack of teachers self-discipline. Some student become frustrated, defensive, followed by aggressive act and the student regain self-control and have an impact on student future.
In U.S., gun shooting in school premises is harsher and the subject is a schoolteacher's. We hope this will not transpire in Naval/Biliran province.
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