My description of Hell is like a hospital established for treatment of person suffering from some most painful disease. There will naturally be the shrieks and cries, weeping and moaning of those suffering and this will not die out until the end of the treatment is reached. Besides our affliction, remorse from wrongdoing would arise from pains analogous to those we feel when taste some bitter medicine we shall have to drink of a distasteful drink and a very hot one.
Like those who suffer from a skin disease we shall also need a change of skin if we are to get any relief of what Bro. Wilson’s brother, Eden had experienced when he was young. He said, "Even in his skinhead, the "kurikong" had inflicted him which we let him undergo treatment for his suffering, and caused the family financial catastrophes." Somebody explain negatively, the nature of its suffering function meaning anything that stupefies the brain.
They had sold their piece of land in Brgy. Caraycaray just to let Eden continued his studies but ended up buying his license instead. The Apolinars were proud that a sibling of the family has acquired a ‘professional license’, even if it was not acquired through a passing grade of the academic qualification test.
However, that was a nightmare of everyone is the family. Eden dared to shove away his own father to leave out from their house and later died in Cebu without any siblings besides him. It was told that the father had said before he died; "I leave like a King, I die like a rat".
Eden even accuses Wilson and maligns his family upon knowing that Wilson has intensifying rapidly for the accounting of their parent's properties. It was truly Wilson’s high interest to settle this matter amicably. In fact, he has given Eden more than 7 years time to clarify everything.
It was said. "I am not after to any monetary value. I just want to fight for my rights, which he (Eden), obviously transgress openly. I cannot continue to pretend that he is innocent. The more I force myself to believe this, the more my conscience fierce to face the reality and fight for the rights" Wilson said. "…Imagine the sleepless nights, mental anguish and disturbances I been though for past 7 years! However, I still given him (Eden) some more time to strengthen up things he made wrongfully. He added, "I am still open for his true confession, sincere apology and explanation". All he wants is the TRUTH and nothing else. For the Lord says; "Love your brother even if he is a deceiver and slanderer."
The focal point of the Apolinar’s issue is their properties and not personal, however Eden personalized everything and maligned Wilson’s family that made things very complicated. It is believe that Eden was "LYING" and still be lying to cover up the damages he has done. It is believe that he has intimidated his other siblings who were believed to be receiving monetary “aid” in the past from him.
Wilson was shot in front of his family abode by a neighbor because of Eden's and their father's dispute, which not mentioned to the public to protect them from legal battle which perhaps, causes more disturbances. Yes! He has done misdemeanor before which he sincerely regretted. (sic) …But that does lessen his rights as much as their (brother’s) rights. Each and every one of them had his own share of their parent's disappointments. Everyone in Naval knows Wilson. But not everyone in Naval knows EDEN that well, it said. It is usual for a family to have some secrets, which are better to be left untouched, however there should be exemption to such rule to shade light. And that the TRUTH shall prevail.
Wilson said, "My being is an open book- I am very transparent. I hide nothing and am not pretending to be right when I'm actually wrong. I know many are skeptical on my move against Eden. But I am not afraid because I hide nothing. And the Truth will prevail" He added, "I've tried to settle matter among us many times before but I failed. FAILED! Because of Eden's contumacious attitude."
But we must not behave like an animal in the use of our eyes and ears, but we must make intelligent deductions and inferences from the knowledge we receive, otherwise through our ignorance we shall court disaster. But there are things which call for minute observation which is not within every man's capacity, and consequences, moreover, are very slow in coming especially in the case of moral delinquencies.
This delayed action leads them to disregard moral laws. Sometimes we remain unaware of their very existence. Revelation, therefore, comes to enlighten us on these things. And It has been shown that no sooner does our consciousness begin to involve than we need knowledge of right and wrong, which comes to us either by revelation or by the requirements of the society in which we live. We find it in its rudimentary form in the Ten Commandments.
There were some neighbors who enjoyed the amenities given by Eden. They said he lured them, which makes them unmindful of the actual events. They committed wrong as if unnoticed, until such time they were brought to naught.
To get a tremendous support Eden promise Alan to give his rotten motorbike, and had received a considerable amount when he visited Naval twice, likewise with Joel. Glen was very persistent in asking Wilson to initiate a partition of their properties. Being a “wanted person” in Naval for robbery, his ‘stories’ relayed were better left unheard. Any move by Glenn that question Eden is tantamount of Glen’s catastrophe. The fact that Wilson is no longer in the country, Eden had taken advantage to hide everything. However he cannot escape from any consequences and from being questioned. It was said.
But Wilson’s actions will water everyone and transform everyone to know everything soon. And He said, "I would like to repeat again and again that I am not after the properties or any equivalent value in money. It is my RIGHTS he trespasses. He made us look STUPID. What do you think I do- applaud him? Pat his back and say "GOOD WORK?" The first action I did was to pray for him and for me. That the virtue of patience will overpower my emotions".
And that to avoid cannibalizes their relationship for what the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and that the Holy Spirit will guide them not to ruin their connubial relationship as brothers. All the responsibilities to straighten all these mess should lie on Eden's shoulders because he has caused all these. It said, "I seriously do not want our relationship as brothers to be severed but Eden had seriously maligned and cannibalized our relationship."
Will Eden tell the truth? Can what he says be taken at face value? Or is he like the ancient Cretans, whose reputation was that they were "always LIARS?" Titus 1:12. The tongue, of course, communicates lies. That small part of the human body can make a powerful impact. It can ruin a reputation. It can destroy a friendship. It can cause lasting heartache.
On the other hand, the tongue can give comfort and hope in time of bereavement. It can shine the light of saving the TRUTH into the mind of someone wandering in spiritual darkness. We shouldn't be surprise, then, that scripture repeatedly urges us to exercise great wisdom and care in how we use this small part of the body.
Proverbs is not exaggerating when it warns us the "death and life are in the power of the tongue." David was not indulging in pointless poetry when he denounced "men…whose teeth are spears and arrows, and their tongue a sharp swords." And the apostle James said that the tongue could be as destructive as a fire as what Eden instigated.
But now I mean remorse a feeling of shame and disgrace, because abasement and intense remorse are some of the chastisement administered to the denizens of hell, which they may in no wise escape.
Now it shows that this hell (write-ups) is a mental torture to him, that it agonies his mind, and it is, as it were, an un-consenting party if it joins with Eden's wrong doing. However, the principle of justice and equity do not punish a party who is forced to give his consent. But the very idea of shame makes our blood hot and we feel as if we were being driven towards a pit of fire.
We often commit wrong under the impression that we shall evade detection or escape the consequences. But we have therefore, clearly told by the Holy Book that we are under the power eye who read all that hidden even in the innermost recesses of our hearts and, know everything that is concealed. As to consequences, we are warned that these must inevitably ensure under the working of the laws concerned.
The TRUTH is perhaps best expressed by the principle that God bring forth GOOD and EVIL consequences as they arise under His laws. However, good actions receive plentiful rewards, but misdeeds invite corresponding punishment, says the Lord.
It said, that the discrepancy of Eden’s promissory notes in the Rural Bank of Naval bearing different amount but executed in the same date is questionable. The original mortgage involved only the house and lot but after of what they claimed to as "RESTRUCTURING" last 1999 the irrigated rice land was added which was unauthorized per se, while the Special Power of Attorney or SPA has only one witness. It is of legal effect that upon the death of their parents who executed the SPA, its validity ceases. It is openly known to everyone in Naval the their parents died in 1993 so did the SPA. But how did the additional collateral that give rise to Eden’s additional release of money come about? First it was said, that the house and lot was mortgaged to PNB but recently it is with the RBN. Eden only wants to misguide the rest of the siblings. It is also very obvious that the other irrigated land that was mortgaged to Surdano family is also unlawful. Only the signatories’, Eden and Joel, part can be of lien thereto as the same way as the use of the entire property and its proceeds.
After Glenn had robbed the bank, then it was conned by Eden?, they said. And how could the people of rural bank approve that kind of transaction without the consent from the rest of the Apolinar siblings?
What could be possibly the best solution to all of these? Everyone knows the real Wilson. But who is the real Eden? Help them pray and let’s see.
Niloko nga niya ang sariling kapatid..! ano pa kaya?
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